lundi 15 novembre 2010

Avatar's Attachements List (Bis)

Avatar's Attachements List (Bis)

I always asked myself who -do I have to say "which machine", don't I?- could ever have sorted this list? It has no sense, jumping up and down.
May be the V2 UI designer, don't you think? ^^

Now, more seriously, here are my sorts. By body area, by axis and by pairs.
Oh San Linden-LAG, if you ever hear my plea...

By Body Area:

- Skull, Noze, Mouth, Chin
- L Eye, L Ear
- R Eye, R Ear

Upper Body:
- Spine, Chest, Stomach
- L Pec, L Shouder, L upper Arm, L Forearm, L Hand
- R Pec, R Shouder, R upper Arm, R Forearm, R Hand

Lower body:
- Pelvis
- L Hip, L upper Leg, L Knee, L lower Leg, L feet
- R Hip, R upper Leg, R Knee, R lower Leg, R feet


By Axis:

- Skull, Noze, Mouth, Chin
- Spine, Chest, Stomach
- Pelvis

- L Eye, L Ear
- L Pec, L Shouder, L upper Arm, L Forearm, L Hand
- L Hip, L upper Leg, L Knee, L lower Leg, L feet

- R Eye, R Ear
- R Pec, R Shouder, R upper Arm, R Forearm, R Hand
- R Hip, R upper Leg, R Knee, R lower Leg, R feet


By Peers:

Singles, on axis:
- Skull, Noze, Mouth, Chin
- Spine, Chest, Stomach
- Pelvis

Pairs, by side:
- L Eye, R Eye, L Ear, R Ear
- L Pec, R Pec, L Shouder, R Shouder, L upper Arm, R upper Arm, L Forearm, R Forearm, L Hand, R Hand
- L Hip, R Hip, L upper Leg, R upper Leg, L Knee, R Knee, L lower Leg, R lower Leg, L feet, R feet


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